Explanation of how the results will affect
my construction.
The results from my questionnaire have helped aid me in my previous theory as in my questionnaire I have found that RnB, Pop and Drum+Base are the most listened to style of music. This will affect my construction as RnB is the style that is listened to mostly, which means that my magazine will be either aimed at the RnB audience or the Pop audience.
The Price of my magazine will be around the same price range as most music magazines as most people would only be willing to pay up to £3 for a music magazine. this is going to aid my construction as my magazine will be priced at £2.99. this price is the most used for magazines.
I have also found out that using a better know artist on the front cover helps the producer sell the magazine, so therefor I will be using a know person for the main artist on the cover, also I have noticed that a better looking artist on the cover reaches a wider audience as they are drew in by the beauty.
The contents of the magazine also has a very big effect as a wide variety of people would like music magazines to also contain other aspects such as fashion, gossip and information on important things. Although music magazines mainly feature music, most people would buy them more often if they were to contain other aspects aswell.