Monday, 1 October 2012

Contents page 1- research

College contets page research 1

There are 3 main images on this contents page, the one of the images is a student/pupil raising their hand,to say hes about to answer a question, another image looks like a group of students/ a youth group visiting some place, this image is positioned in the middle slightly above the bottom. The third image is of a small tube, the tube really catches the audiences eye as it is brightly coloured with reds,oranges and yellows. These colours really stand out as they represent the sun/warmth. Along with each main image there is a white page number within a blue circle, these link the images to the writing next to certain page numbers. The colour scheme for this contents page would be blue, yellow and green as these are the 3 colours that are most saw when the audience looks at these pages, there is also some red and black writing. The red writing really stands out as it is on a white background. The word welcome is highlighted in bright yellow which makes the audience feel welcome and want to read as they feel comfort from the word. This contents page also contains a few logos that probably sponsor the magazine and help publish the magazine.
The Font is all in the same bold,block writing, this makes it easier to read as it is clearer. The size of the masthead is a lot bigger than any of the other writing on the page which stands out and automatically catches the eye of the audience, this suggests that this is the most important thing on the page. The size of the heaadlines are smaller than the masthead but sigtly bigger than the sellines which shows that they are next in line of importance than the smaller headlines for individual sellines. Finally the sellines are the smallest  font and arnt in bold which doesnt over power the page with writing which may put the audience of.

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