Tuesday, 18 September 2012

College Magazine Cover 1

 Research College Magazine Cover 1
 The main image in this magazine is an image of Mike Posner. The way in which he is standing suggests a laid back attitude. The first place you look is at his face due to his white teeth and blue eyes standing out. The image has a central position on the magazine which helps the idea of direct address, as the person featured is making direct eye contact with the viewer. Another thing that draws the attention of the viewer is his chain, this draws the attention because its plain and simple like an actual college student.
The Masthead is plain but stands out. The title (COLLEGE) shows that this is a magazine clearly for college students/parents&carers. The colour is fit for purpose as it matches the theme/mood of the magazine cover.The colour scheme for this magazine is blue,white and orange. There is only a small section of white on this magazine. The colour Blue suggests a calm/peaceful environment throughout the magazine this also suggests that the magazine is less likely to be full of violence. The orange colour really stands out against the blue which shows these parts are more important, orange is usually associated with danger/importance.
The sell lines of this magazine really draw the audience in as things such as ;
 "Not exactly extra credit: I slept with my professor" 
   "Career Fair Do's & Dont's"
These sell lines would attract an audience with the age range of 16+. This is because most 16 year olds are either looking for jobs or about to start college. The Line "not exactly extra credit: I slept with my professor" would attract parents/careers due to the fact of they wouldn't be wanting there children going to a college where the professors sleep with their students as it disgraces the college,student and professor. The other line "Career Fair Do's and Dont's" would also attract the audience of college students as the concept of going college is to get a job or go university afterwards.
This magazine cover does not have a Skyline, Slogan or Strapline.

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